Posted August 8th, 2007 by Lakshmi Pamidimukkala

I have been a nature lover since my childhood. Always deeply engrossed in the beautiful skies enjoying the sunrises and sunsets….. I can never forget the moon lit nights on our open terrace with my best friend humming the songs of old movies.. The small bed of chrysanthemums and few pots of roses which i loved the most.. My world where almost everybody could find me in all my free time… I used to be lost to the extents…

As i saw the two pots of roses my sis had brought for me i rembered how much she remembered those good olden days. That she took pains to get me those.But now my priorities have changed the rosepots have been replaced by my two lovely kids who are with me all the day . I can see the skies in their faces and the blooming rose buds in their smiles.

As soon as they saw the pots they divided them among themselves. I felt happy that they were having the love for nature which I had in my youth …. They were planning as to how to water them and when to water them with their aunt….They eagerly wait to see the buds open and compare whose pot has the maximum number of roses each day …..

2 Responses to: “NATURE AND ME”

  1. vasudha responds:
    Posted: August 8th, 2007 at 8:41 am

    lakshmi.. u write so beautifully.. I was lost in our childhood memories for sometime reading ur post.. keep up the good work and keep blogging

  2. shilpa responds:
    Posted: August 8th, 2007 at 9:11 am too..i had some of those beautiful memories with you guys..especially ur opinion about sunset nad its colors n stuff..nice stuff..keep’em coming..

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