Posted August 25th, 2007 by Lakshmi Pamidimukkala

This was the first time I ever performed the pooja with out my mother in law in these seven years of my wedding. Every year we used to perform this pooja but it was supported by her .She would decorate the Goddess and I would cook and make ready the various items required for the Maha naivedyam . It is a strange feeling that I was now the lead and my sisters would help me in performing the pooja . I felt I am ageing now . Suddenly a sense of resposibilty increased in me . I had to take the hot seat and do everything alone with their help. I had decorate the Goddess and make things ready for pooja and also cook . I had to make nine varities of food to offer along with the regular course of food . Though it would be hectic I was prepared for it .

We decorated the Goddess and kept ready everything for pooja . I had prepared nine varities of food pulihora , garelu , boorelu , payasam , annam paravannam , doddojanam , avadalu , aratikaya bajji and pulagam along with mamidikai pappu , vankai koora, mukkala pulusu with allam pacchadi . It was 12 in the noon and we started the pooja . We were very happy as the three of us my sisters and me performed the pooja . It felt great and a feeling of self satisfaction .

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