Posted September 13th, 2007 by Lakshmi Pamidimukkala

From my childhood I always had a wish to bake a cake on my own . Today it fulfilled by BABA’s grace. Actually my son too had wanted to eat a cake made by me. It took some time for me to initialise my self but it was successfull… at last and lots of happiness at the end….



All purpose floor - 280 gms

Icing sugar - 2 tsp

Vanilla Essence - 11/2 tsp

Baking Powder - 1tsp

Baking soda- 1/2 tsp

Butter - 60 gms

Condensed Milk - 240ml


Preheat oven to 300degrees C.

Seive maida and add baking powder , baking soda and icing sugar mix it well and keep it aside.

In a container take condensed milk , add melted butter , vanilla essence to it .

Beat the contents with a beater till soft in a single direction for about 7 min.

Now start adding floor mix spoon by spoon to the milk mix. Keep mixing till the floor mix is complete. In between if you feel the cake mix is getting hard add little milk about a spoon or two at a time inorder to ease the process of mixing …

Grease the cake pan with butter and transfer the cake mix into it. It falls in folds and sets itself into the pan.

Keep the tray in the oven . Initially the cake should be baked at high temperature about 250 degrees for 10 min. Then lower the temperature to 200 degrees and cook till baked for about 30 - 40 min. Check for the baked cake with a tooth prick. Once u confirm it is cooked , transfer it into a container.

2 Responses to: “EGGLESS SPONGE CAKE”

  1. rajani responds:
    Posted: September 18th, 2007 at 1:06 am

    Thank you sis for preparing the delicious cake filled with love and also for making my day so special with the presence of you all.

  2. Anonymous responds:
    Posted: October 3rd, 2007 at 7:25 am

    Lakshmi, your recipies remind me of my golden days with Janani(mom). It is refreshing to see everyday recipes all in one collection.These are the kind of dishes I keep searching for so long online. - Siri.

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