Posted August 7th, 2007 by Lakshmi Pamidimukkala

It is very strange how God makes two people fall in a love and strengthens the bond through marriage . There are not many people who keep up their promises and continue their love . As my father says love happens between two hearts , two people , but marriage ends with two families becoming one… His words are flawless … It takes a while for the bride and the groom to win the hearts of the two families . It feels on the top of the world if one succeeds in doing so……

The strange feelings in the girls heart as the famous writer Sarojini Naidu mentioned in a poem
Bangle Sellers …The bride in her beautiful attire has a mixed feeling about her status. She has tears of happiness of joining her husband as well as sorrow of leaving her parents. These feelings are felt once in every girls life time. The most precious feelings to be treasured.

The bride is fully decorated with the gold which her parents kept storing for the wedding . Its a custom to give the bride away in marriage along with gold , sarees , and minimum things as required by her after the wedding .

The bride now feels the new home as her home henceforth and the in laws as her parents. On the other hand the parents start missing their daughter. In a fraction of second the most pampered doll brought up by the parents becomes the pride of another family.It does pain all the people in the family while it takes a moment for them to get adjusted with the facts and our customs.

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