Posted August 31st, 2007 by Lakshmi Pamidimukkala

A very common rice item made for almost every festival of the people of Andhra. Easy to prepare and also tasty of course.


Rice - 4 - 6 cups
Turmeric - 1tsp
Tamarind Puree - 2 tbsp
Oil - 6 tbsp
Salt - 3 tbsp
Asfoetida (hing ) - 1/2 tbsp
Redchillies - a hand full of them
Urad dal - 2 tbsp
Chana dal - 2 tbsp
Mustard - 1 tbsp
Ground nuts - 1 cup
Greenchillies - 25 nos
Curry leaves - 1 small bunch
Water - 10 - 12 cups


Cook rice in a rice cooker with sufficient quantity of water .Parallely heat 3tbsp oil in a pan and add mustard seeds once they pop add urad dal , chana dal and fry them till red and add asfoetida to it and saute for a while. Then add groundnuts and fry till red . Add red chillies and curry leaves and green chillies let the flame be on medium once the chillies are all fried well simmer and put off the flame.

Once the rice is cooked transfer into a vessel which you can mix the rice freely and allow rice to cool. Then add 1 tsp of turmeric to it and 3tbsp of oil and mix well till rice turns yellow and there are no pellets of rice anywhere. Now add tamarind puree and mix properly in such a way that it adheres to all the rice . Add salt and mix well . Transfer the contents in the pan and mix so as to distribute the ingredients all over the rice. It tastes good served hot or cold whatever. It is believed that it tastes really good on the next day too and doesnt get spolied if stored in hygenic condition.

One Response to: “PULIHORA”

  1. vasudha responds:
    Posted: August 31st, 2007 at 9:43 am

    I liked her pulihora so much.. couldn’t stop eating it for 3 days :-) love everything she makes

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