Posted September 17th, 2007 by Lakshmi Pamidimukkala



Rice - 2 cups

Water - 4 cups

Salt - 1 tsp

Jaggery - 2 cups

Coconut powder - 2 cups

Cardamom powder - 1 tsp

Ghee - 1 tsp


Grind rice into fine rawa. Parallely boil water in a pan. Add salt to it , mix well and add rawa stirring with a spatula.

Cover the pan with a lid in order to make the rawa cook faster and soft. Once cooked set it a side to cool.
Parallely heat a tsp of ghee in a pan and add jaggery to it . Once the jaggery melts add coconut powder and cardamom powder and keep mixing till it forms a thick mass.

Allow it to cool and make balls of the kobbari louju .

Now take the cooked rawa in one palm and spread it across . Keep the kobbari louju in it and cover it with little more cooked rawa over it and blend it properly in such a way that it covers the kobbari louju . Repeat the process till the cooked rawa is done .

Once you finish rolling them , pressure cook them for about 5 min . Its only to make the juice of the jaggery to blend into the cooked rawa. In case you want to microwave them , its enough for a minute .

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