Posted October 4th, 2007 by Lakshmi Pamidimukkala



Bombay Rawa - 250 gms
Sugar - 500 gms
Ghee - 2 tbsp
Cardamom powder - 2 tsp
Maida - 500 gms
Oil - 4 tbsp
Salt - 1 tsp

Water - 1/2 l

Heat ghee and fry rawa adding 1tsp ofcardamom powder . Once fried to golden brown , transfer the contents into another pan . Now take about 500ml of water and heat in a pan and once it boils , add sugar and 1tsp of cardamom powder .

Once the sugar melts completely , bring it to boil and add rawa to it mixing well in order that no lumps form in the kesari. Once the grains are cooked , leave it on put out flame for 5 min , kesari becomes hard . Allow it to cool and make small balls out of the kesari .

Take maida and make a dough adding salt and water little by little. Make a hard dough and make a small ball of it . Take little oil and apply to the ball and roll it into a small poori and place the kesari ball in the center. Fold the poori’s edges to the center on to the ball blend it well into a ball.

Make a poori out of the ball and on a hot pan , shappow fry it applying little oil on the poori . Reverse and heat it the same way applying little oil on the top of it.Fry till it becomes golden brown .

Ready to serve hot .It is tasty , gives taste of sweet with a little touch of salt too….

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