Posted October 11th, 2007 by Lakshmi Pamidimukkala


My dad and me loved it so much that when ever we went to Tirupathi we used to search for this recipe and definitely eat before we returned . That was the liking for it . Its a real good tasty recipe.


Moong dal - 11/2 cups
Rice - 2 1/2 cups
Redchillies - 2- 3 nos
Pepper - 10 - 15 nos
Salt - 2 tbsp
Coconut powder - 2 tbsp
Green chillies - 4 - 5 nos
Ghee - 3 tbsp
Water - 7 cups
Cumin - 1 tbsp
Ginger - a small piece chopped


Heat ghee in a pan and fry cumin seeds once the ghee is hot. After they sizzle , add pepper , red chillies , green chillies ,ginger pieces , curry leaves fry for a while. Then add washed and drained dal and rice and fry for about 5 min, then add salt and coconut powder , mix well. Now transfer the contents into a cooker adding water and cook for 3 whistles.

Remove from stove and serve hot with sambar or any chutney .

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